Why do Jewish Women Wear Wigs?

Jewish women do cover their heads with either wig or cloth. The Jewish law says that married woman should cover their hair. To hide their own hair, some women wear a wig or Sheitel, but most prefer to wear a wig although it will not give beauty to the woman as the natural hair would give. The hair is even kept in the form of a wig and should be covered and not be exposed as per the law. It is a Jewish myth that Jewish women should not expose their hair to any other person other than their husbands because it is considered as a mark of beauty. The orthodox married women believe that it is an offence to show their beauty and tempt others towards them by showing their hair. They think that by showing their hair, they are triggering sexual sensation to other men which is not correct as per their law.

Married Jewish women according to Jewish law have to cover their hair as a token of identification for her as well as the society that she is married. Women who cover their hair may do it in many ways like with a handkerchief, a hat or a wig. This practice of covering the hair is also noticed to be a part of a modern and descent dressing procedure called tzeniut. An unmarried woman is allowed to go out without wearing wigs or hair uncovered unlike in Arab countries where all women need to cover the hair from start of puberty. The Jewish women are not expected to wear the wig when they are at home with their husband and family members.

Jewish people believe that hair is something to be kept secret and only revealed to the husband. The married woman is expected to save the hair for her husband.

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